Should the achievement of your goals be measured by time or distance?

Engaging in physical exercise is like pursuing your goals. Both require determination, persistence, and consistency.  Regarding both, there are some days when you feel like giving it your all; then there are other days when you just do not feel up to the task.

One day while working out with my personal trainer, he caused me to warmup by running on the treadmill. Generally, the warmup consisted of me running 1 mile in 10 minutes. I usually completed this task with no problem. However, one morning, at 6 am, I was dragging, and I really did not feel like working out. I literally whined and complained about having to work out. Ignoring my cry, my trainer started the treadmill. I tried my best to get my head into the workout and to disregard my feelings, but it was as if I could not bring myself to run at my normal pace. Even so, I focused on the music coming through the speakers and before I knew it 10 minutes had elapsed.

Ordinarily, by the time I reached 10 minutes, the designated stopping time, my trainer was there to stop the machine and escort me to the next exercise. Well, this time, he was not there. I saw him across the room, and I called him over. I then said, with a sense of accomplishment, “I’m done. It’s been 10 mins” He responded and said, “You are not done yet because you have not reached one mile.” A little bewildered, I reminded him that I normally warm up for 10 mins. He replied, “I normally have you run a mile in 10 mins; but since you were lagging this morning, I reduced your speed; therefore, although you have reached 10 mins, you have not gone the distance.”

In that moment I felt frustrated, as if he deceived me. But as I reflected upon what he said, as I continued to run on the treadmill, the Lord began to teach me a lesson. Sometimes, as we are chasing our goals, we focus on the time that has passed while God is looking at the destination. He is not as worried about the time that has passed, but rather have we gone the distance.

If you go the distance in a race or sports competition, you continue running or playing until the end of the race or match.

As we reflect upon our goals and life plan, may we inquire of the Lord and obtain His perspective; is He focused on time or distance. Sometimes, when we are on the treadmill of life, we feel as if we should have already reached a certain point in our lives because we are looking at the time that has gone while God is focused on the destination. He is considering, have we reached the mark. Once we realize what is the appropriate gauge for measuring our goals, we can make the necessary adjustments so we can reach the objective.

As for me, when I learned that I had not gone the distance, I adjusted my attitude concerning my work out and I also increased my speed so I could reach the destination.

Scriptures for reflection:

Isaiah 55: 8 (NIV) “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.”

Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great a cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,


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  • Nakeitha Sweeting Hodrick
    Posted at 13:34h, 25 September Reply

    I needed to hear that? Those words are life 😭

    • eneami
      Posted at 20:01h, 25 September Reply

      Glory to God!! Your comment has encouraged me to continue to produce content, as the Lord leads.

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